Do you love Mondays? We do. After a whole weekend of being busy with families, what could be better than hiking in nature and catching up with friends in fresh mountain air on a Monday? It’s a great way to kick off a new week, being actively recharged through exercises and conversations. We started this “All Seasons Hiking Group” many years ago when our kids were in elementary school. Almost every Monday during the school year, rain or shine (except for stormy time), we meet at the parking lot 6 of Rancho San Antonio County Park around 9am, then choose a safe route that fits current weather conditions, and hike about 2 hours. During school breaks, we sometimes also coordinate family hikes in other parks, including Stevens Creek County Park, Villa Montalvo County Park, Parker Ranch Loop Trail, and Picchetti Ranch Open Space Preserve. These are all nearby trails in Santa Clara County. Below are just a few of many amazing sights we captured during our hikes.

Click here to learn about how to join us at our next hike in 2025!

Who Are We?
You may guess the correct answer already! We are moms with children in schools, ranging from elementary to high school. Actually, some of us have become empty nesters with children going to colleges, but we still love hiking and staying connected with friends. It has become part of our lives to cherish the time on the trails and continue to improve our health and deepen our friendship. One of our hiking group members wrote an article “Hiking Makes My Life Better and Healthier”. Research published in December 2022 shows that nearby green spaces lower hospitalizations and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases including dementia. NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) conducted an interview and the Sierra Club also created a blog about the research findings.
“Dementia is affected by age and genetics. You can’t modify those factors, but there’s increasing evidence that a healthy lifestyle can slow your risk—and living near green space can encourage a healthier lifestyle.”
What to Expect?
Please wear comfy hiking shoes and carry water with you. If it’s sunny, wearing a hat and/or sunscreen is highly recommended. On a light rainy day, we hike with rain gear on paved trails. If it’s stormy, we will skip. Please read this article to learn more about hiking safety. In addition, this article shows our favorite trails during rainy seasons. Once for a while, we also hike on more challenging trails to boost our heart rates, such as Stephen E. Abbors Trail. We may split into two teams with different hiking levels and keep everyone in a group. Below, enjoy more photos that we captured during our hikes.

How To Join Us
If you are interested in joining us, please provide your full name and email, read and check Yes for the Waiver of Liability using the form here:
We will send you an email reminder two days before the hike. During the school year, we hike weekly on Mondays at Rancho San Antonio County Park, meeting 9am at Parking Lot 6 and hiking until 11am. During school breaks, we may hike in other parks with families mostly in Santa Clara County. Once you join us for your first hike, we will add you to our WeChat or WhatsApp group for quicker on-the-go communications. We will keep you informed in advance for all hiking events. Looking forward to hiking with you in 2025!