by David Stillman | Jan 4, 2017
A new sidewalk ordinance allowing students 12 and under (along with parents) to ride their bicycles on sidewalks is in the works. Key elements of the proposed ordinance are: (1) Any child age 12 or under may ride on the sidewalk (i.e., this is not limited to...
by Byron Rovegno | Oct 21, 2016
David Stillman will hire the pedestrian plan consultant in the next week. The selected firm has had experience doing the pedestrian plans in our adjacent communities. He hopes they’ll finish their work in 7-8 months like Alta did, but this project...
by Larry Dean | Sep 26, 2016
Attendees Vidula Iyer, Pete Heller, Sean Lin, Erik Lindstrom, David Stillman, Larry Dean, Ann Ng, Anastasia Novozhilova, Brooke DuBose of the Toole Design Group. Member observations around Cupertino. Larry has been noticing many more kids biking, especially at...
by Larry Dean | Sep 14, 2016
Walk-Bike Cupertino asked the 2016 Cupertino City Council candidates to respond with their thoughts on the current state of biking in Cupertino and the approved 2016 Bike Plan. Of the eight candidates, six responded with their insights; and two candidates declined to...
by Larry Dean | Sep 14, 2016
1. What do you think of the 2016 Cupertino Bike Plan? Its a start… 2. The Plan’s Tier I projects total $15M. Do you support funding these projects over the next 5 years? Undecided 3. How do you rate Bike/Ped improvements versus street...