by Jian He | Aug 26, 2017
This morning, CEEF (Cupertino Education Endowment Foundation) held its third annual 5K run. More than 1100 runners signed up for the event. Advisory Board members of Walk-Bike Cupertino were presenting the mission of identifying and supporting safe and easy bicycling...
by Larry Dean | Aug 21, 2017
At the Aug 15, 2017 City Council meeting, City Staff presented to the council the 50 page results and recommendations of the community-wide Safe Routes walk audit report conducted by Alta Design Group. The report details its assessment and recommendations for general...
by Jennifer Shearin | Jul 30, 2017
The latest Bike Pedestrian Commission meeting discussed issues with the upcoming Cupertino Bike plan implementation, and criteria for determining priority of Cupertino Pedestrian Plan projects. The BPC also discussed a recommendation for the City Council to eliminate...
by Rod Sinks | Jul 11, 2017
The City of Cupertino is moving ahead with the Bike Plan adopted in mid-2016. At the recent budget hearing for the fiscal year beginning July 1, the Council reviewed cost estimates for two east-west routes that will provide protected bikeways and bike-friendly...
by Larry Dean | Jun 29, 2017
Cupertino City Council unanimously approved the landmark $7.2M capital improvement budget for 2017/18 – but not before re-prioritizing the project focus. The budget allocation features: ~$5.2M for the McClellan East/West Bike-way; $1.5m for the roll-out of...
by Dick Blaine | Jun 26, 2017
Santa Clara County Sheriff’s recently released the incident log of auto/bike/ped incidents in Cupertino for Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2017. There were 6 bicyclists and 11 pedestrians struck by automobiles, resulting in 14 injuries. The incidents constituted a slight...