Walk-Bike Cupertino is seeking a resident volunteer interested in advocating for pedestrian pathways in our city. The successful candidate should be an avid walker or hiker who can help us advocate city planning for urban trails in Cupertino. You should be willing to attend periodic meetings of the board and to provide newsletter items for our web pages as newsworthy actions occur. Advocacy involves attending various city commissioner’s meetings periodically as advertised on Cupertino’s website and making the voice of our constituency heard before City Council when pedestrian plans are being considered. The city will be spending our money on pedestrian improvements and it is up to us to see that they are spent wisely and on the priorities the community wants. You can be the one who helps make things happen! Apply using “Contact Us” form by providing your contact information and bona fides..
With a membership over 1,000 local residents, we are a great group of community volunteers who are generating significant results in making Cupertino a model community for “Safe and Easy for Walking and Biking”. FMI on our Advisory Board Members, see the Advisory Board page.