Letter: One reader’s unique view of Cupertino…

Letter: One reader’s unique view of Cupertino…

A reprint from the Mercury News / Thanks to City Council’s support, Cupertino is doing a great job of expanding walking and cycling resources for residents and guests. As outcomes of the 2016 Bicycling Plan, protected bike lanes are coming on key corridors, and...
July 3 Cupertino City Council Meeting Bike News

July 3 Cupertino City Council Meeting Bike News

The July 3 City Council meeting had two significant items for biking and walking local community members. First, WBC’s Larry Dean presented a “thank you” award to outgoing City Manager David Brandt for all his efforts to improve our bicycling and...
Historic De Anza Trail Feasibility Study

Historic De Anza Trail Feasibility Study

I hope you are enjoying your Summer! Per Project Manager, Chris Corrao, both pop-up events went really well and had more people stop by than expected at both.   The Open House was our first publicly noticed meeting on this project and also went really well. We had a...
Accidents by Time of Day

Accidents by Time of Day

Combining data from the Sheriff’s office, which records light conditions, and the California Highway Patrol, which records time of day, we can take a look at the frequency of accidents during different times of day. There are a number of different causes which...