by Jennifer Shearin | Oct 27, 2022
Surprisingly, Almost all developed nations have seen a decline in roadway deaths over the last decade, while the US has seen a 30% rise in roadway deaths. Many people attribute this to cellphone usage, and to high stress levels, but other countries have these issues...
by Jennifer Shearin | Sep 28, 2022
A new map has been released by the Rails-to-Tail Conservancy (RTC) and the Bay Area Trails Collaborative (BATC) which shows the new plan to connect over 2600 miles of regional trails. This can increase access for millions more people to enjoy outdoor walking, biking,...
by Seema Lindskog | May 8, 2022
“Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone. They paved paradise, put up a parking lot.” Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi. We see it everywhere – half empty parking lots, parking spaces along streets...
by Joel Wolf | Apr 14, 2022
You may have heard the phrase “Complete Streets” design and wondered what this concept means. As defined by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration of the Department of Transportation (DOT), a “Complete Street is safe, and feels safe,” (emphasis added) for all users...
by Stuart Rosenberg | Mar 23, 2022
E-bikes are becoming more and more available, it’s a great way to get around while minimizing your carbon footprint, being outdoors and getting a little exercise. Recently CalBike won a $10M grant to help Californians purchase E-bikes by issues vouchers for those that...
by Seema Lindskog | Dec 10, 2021
“This is so cool!” is the common reaction when someone sees a Book Bike library pedaling up to an event. Librarians around the country say Book Bikes spark joy wherever they go, with residents smiling and waving as the bike pedals by. A library on a bike is also a...