by Matt Widmann | Jun 10, 2021
The Bicycle Pedestrian Commission (BPC) meeting in May covered a multi-use path along the Blackberry Farm entrance road, intersection improvements at De Anza Blvd. & McClellan Rd., and traffic signal changes at Stevens Creek Blvd. & Wolfe Rd. It kicked off...
by Byron Rovegno | Jun 9, 2021
This Spring, the Carmen Bridge Task Force undertook significant community outreach and meetings with city council and staff. These efforts have drawn tremendous support and endorsements from community leaders and have provided a good deal of information to the City...
by Jennifer Shearin | May 6, 2021
Though many of us have been working from our homes during the pandemic, there’s been a lot of changes at and near Cupertino High School to make it easier and safer to walk and bike. We are proud that Walk-Bike Cupertino board members Lawrence Fan and Jennifer...
by WBC Advisory Board | May 1, 2021
We were pleased to welcome David Stillman, Cupertino Transportation Manager, to our Board meeting in March. He was able to give us updates on all the city projects, from east to west, including the big plans for the new intersection at McClellan and DeAnza Boulevard,...
by Larry Dean | Mar 30, 2021
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Cupertino City Council will discuss several topics relevant to the Safe Routes to School at their Council meeting on March 30, 2021, at 6:30pm. Council’s main topics of discussion will be to review Council goals and prioritize their...
by Jian He | Mar 24, 2021
Great news to share with our Walk-Bike community in Cupertino! Both Kennedy Middle School (KMS) PTA and Monta Vista High School (MVHS) PTSA have officially endorsed the Carmen Bridge project. Many thanks to MVHS PTSA President Kathy Jacques and KMS PTA President Xi...