Walk-Bike News
MVHS Bike for Boba Grows
Over 200 MVHS (Monta Vista High School) cyclists rode their bikes and scooters to classes on the second "Bike for Boba" and "Save the Planet" event. With days getting shorter and cooler, this second event still showed an increase in ridership over the inaugural...
2021 Recap: Much progress even with the pandemic
A surprising amount of projects made significant progress or were completed this year. A special thanks goes to the Cupertino City Staff and City Council, who kept projects moving forward despite the challenges of the pandemic. Read below for what's happened in your...
McClellan Separated Bike Lanes named Project of the Year
Phase II of the new bike lanes installed along McClellan Road have been awarded "Project of the Year" in the under $2 Million dollar category by the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA). The specific winning portion of the lanes is...
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RadRunner review: The first test of Rad Power Bikes’ new $1,299 mini-bike style electric commuter
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Copenhagen has taken bicycle commuting to a whole new level
As part of Copenhagen’s attention-grabbing pledge to become the world’s first carbon-neutral capital city by 2025, it has aimed to improve the already impressive biking infrastructure. By ERIK KIRSCHBAUMAUG. 8, 2019 3 AMCOPENHAGEN — Soren...
E-bikes won’t look so clunky with 2020 motor, battery upgrades
STEPHEN SHANKLAND JULY 23, 2019 6:48 PM PDT Bosch's PowerTube 400 battery lends a sleeker look to 2020 e-bikes, while its handlebar-mounted SmartphoneHub shows basic riding data and offers a smartphone mount.Bosch Most e-bikes you'll see on the roads...