by Jian He | Aug 26, 2015
Hello Scott, Thanks for asking as both of these are actively being worked on. We do intend on scheduling an item for the September 15 Council meeting with a recommendation to continue the existing Recology Early Pick-Up program. Although there continues to be...
by Jian He | Jul 17, 2015
Cupertino Bike Infrastructure on the Move (By Pete Heller, chair Bicycle Pedestrian Commission) Unless you’ve been out of town or bedridden by now you’ve seen the extensive growth in green bike lane markings around the city. In case you’ve wondered, there is a...
by Jian He | Jul 17, 2015
Hi there – Had a good meeting last night and here are my observations: David Stillman’s (Cupertino Senior Civil Engineer) main input was that some of the recently approved bike/ped improvements (more green bike lanes, etc.) are underway with priority being placed on...