March 2017 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting

March 2017 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting

An update on the Pedestrian Plan was given by Toole Design Group , including reviewing community feedback and walk audits.  The draft plan should be completed in early summer, with an expected final plan available July 2017. The Bicycle Master Plan was also discussed....
2/15/17 Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting

2/15/17 Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting

The Bike Pedestrian Commission discussed yesterday at their regular meeting the implementation of the 2016 Bike Plan. The Toole Design concept drawings are expected to be complete in the next two weeks. The next step will be to hire a consulting engineer to create the...
Bike Ped Commission Public Workshop on 1/25

Bike Ped Commission Public Workshop on 1/25

At last week’s public workshop with Toole Design, residents were encouraged to view both proposals for Class IV bike lanes on Stevens Creek and McClellan. The Cupertino City Pedestrian Master Plan was also initiated with results of preliminary studies and a request...