by Jennifer Shearin | Jul 30, 2020
The first phase of the McClellan protected lanes were completed last year between Stelling Road and Imperial Avenue. The protected bike lanes have made travel along McClellan, a major school commute and cross-city connector, safer and easier for cyclists of all ages....
by Jennifer Shearin | Jul 13, 2020
An agenda item during the last Cupertino City Council meeting on July 7 was a parking study for the Cupertino branch of the Santa Clara Public Library. Difficulty finding parking at the civic center has been an ongoing complaint of library patrons as well as City Hall...
by Jian He | Jun 25, 2020
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) board of directors recently approved funding for the Homestead Safe Routes to School project. The funding will advance planned pedestrian and bicycle improvements on Homestead Road in Cupertino, Sunnyvale and Los...
by WBC Advisory Board | Jun 22, 2020
At the City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 16th, the Council discussed and unanimously approved the CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) Budget for 2020-21, which includes all walking and biking projects for the City of Cupertino. Though the City of Cupertino’s...
by Jennifer Shearin | Jun 17, 2020
Even as Santa Clara County opens up by allowing residents to dine-in at restaurants, not everyone will feel comfortable doing so—or even should, because of age or condition. Here’s a great idea for a way to have your restaurant food, and safely eat it too: bike and...
by Jennifer Shearin | Jun 12, 2020
Recently, it has been said that Bike Boulevards should be prioritized ahead of all other Cupertino bicycle and pedestrian projects, because they will improve safety for students traveling to school and encourage more school commutes by bike. At the July 16, 2019 City...