First Look: Crosswalk Construction on Regnart Trail

First Look: Crosswalk Construction on Regnart Trail

The Regnart Creek Trail continues to move forward in construction. The city has lately begun work on the crosswalk for the trail at East Estates into Creekside Park. This is an important crossing, as the Regnart Trail connects here with the Creekside Park walking and...
The Regnart Creek Trail bridge is Installed: First Look

The Regnart Creek Trail bridge is Installed: First Look

Residents living near Wilson Park have likely heard some exciting construction noise: the bridge to Wilson Park from the Regnart Creek Trail is being installed! This bridge allows the future trail to connect three parks: Wilson, Creekside, and the library field. See...
Council Votes to increase RCT fence budget by $1.2M

Council Votes to increase RCT fence budget by $1.2M

In an unanimous decision, the Cupertino City Council on June 1 voted to increase the budget for the private-land fencing for the Regnart Creek Trail by an additional $1.2 million. This brings the cost of the fencing to almost $2 million dollars, a huge and...