by Jennifer Shearin | Aug 12, 2020
Studies show that having your child walk or bike to school helps them achieve their school goals. Now that the schools will only have online instruction for the fall, it’s important that parents fill this gap of exercise that their children will not be getting...
by Jennifer Shearin | Jul 30, 2020
The California Senate could hold its first hearing on the Bike Parking Bill (AB 3153-Rivas) as early as August 1, 2020. The bill provides an incentive to build long-term bike parking and car-sharing spaces in new buildings. In most communities in California, housing...
by Jennifer Shearin | Jul 30, 2020
The first phase of the McClellan protected lanes were completed last year between Stelling Road and Imperial Avenue. The protected bike lanes have made travel along McClellan, a major school commute and cross-city connector, safer and easier for cyclists of all ages....
by Jennifer Shearin | Jul 13, 2020
Have you seen the beautiful new banners along Stevens Creek and near City Center? They are designed by our very own Cupertino students to advertise Cupertino Safe Routes to School! These banners are a great way of bringing community art to public spaces to encourage...
by Jennifer Shearin | Jul 13, 2020
An agenda item during the last Cupertino City Council meeting on July 7 was a parking study for the Cupertino branch of the Santa Clara Public Library. Difficulty finding parking at the civic center has been an ongoing complaint of library patrons as well as City Hall...