Walk-Bike News
Updated Intersection at De Anza and McClellan Coming Soon
Image courtesy of GoogleThe intersection of De Anza at McClellan and Pacifica has been slated for a much needed overhaul for a few years now, as part of the McClellan Road Separated Bikeways Project. Other sections of McClellan were improved with protected bike lanes...
New bridge over I-280 overpass at Wolfe begins construction
The construction of the new bridge at Wolfe Road over I-280 has now begun. Completion is expected in 2025. The new bridge will be an improvement for both pedestrians and cyclists which face dangerous conditions today when using that stretch of road. The new bridge is...
Tamien Innu moves forward
Have you heard of the Tamien Innu? Sometimes referred to as the “I-280 Trail”, and previously named the “Junipero Serra Trail”, it’s a planned off-street trail connecting the east and west sides of Cupertino on its northern side. The trail, when complete, will begin...
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Regnart Creek Trail Update
The Regnart Creek Trail was sent out for bid on December 18, 2020, with the associated private land fence work bid sent out several days later. Nine construction companies have responded with a bid for the trail, with bids closing early in January. There were no bids...
You’ll be happier cycling when you get a rearview mirror
Ever since my first week-long Cycle Oregon, I’ve ridden with a rear-view mirror. Once you use one, you’ll never go without it. You feel safer, and are more secure knowing when a vehicle or cyclist is approaching you. (Check our site for some great safety tips....
Kelly Tung and YEPI bring climate action to youth
Kelly Tung, Monta Vista Sophomore, has founded and runs the Youth Environmental Power Initiative (YEPI). YEPI is a nonprofit organization that aims to spread awareness for sustainability and environmental justice, promotes alternative transportation and safe biking...