Your Support Needed for the Old Haul Road Trail!

Your Support Needed for the Old Haul Road Trail!

(reprint from solicitation of support) Dear Friend of Stevens Creek Trail,You are receiving this email because you had expressed interest in important news about the Stevens Creek Trail in Cupertino. We wanted to inform you of an important item that is...
Enter our Find the Wayfinding Signs Contest!

Enter our Find the Wayfinding Signs Contest!

Walk-Bike Cupertino want you and your family to enjoy the Bike Boulevard changes coming to Cupertino to improve safety and enjoyment for cyclists on our lower-traffic side streets. To that end, we are sponsoring a contest to find the new Wayfinding Signs which will be...
Happy New Year to the Walk-Bike Cupertino Community!

Happy New Year to the Walk-Bike Cupertino Community!

2016 Cupertino Community Bike/Ped Highlights: With You – our community – and our city leaders energized, 2016 came to a close enjoying great momentum for cycling and safety improvements for Cupertino and area residents. Make sure that you thank our elected...