Bike Pedestrian Budget Letter

Bike Pedestrian Budget Letter

Dear Council Members, I am writing to follow up on the verbal comments I made during the Budget Study Session on the afternoon of Monday, May 17th. I realize that the bike and pedestrian plans created have not been adopted by the council yet, but they are expected to...
Bike to Work Day Recap

Bike to Work Day Recap

Author: Revathy Narasimhan We had a fantastic turnout and over 175 bikers stopped to learn about local biking events and biking groups. The Cupertino station also encouraged bikers to fill out a short survey to assess biking patterns. The bicyclists enjoyed a healthy...
Cupertino Strategic Bike Plan Update

Cupertino Strategic Bike Plan Update

The Cupertino Strategic Bike Plan reached a major milestone with the approval of the Bike/Ped Commisson on April 28th.  The city will now go through a 20 day CEQA environmental notification and feedback period.  It is slated to go before the city council for approval...
Stevens Creek Trail Update

Stevens Creek Trail Update

Stevens Creek Trail Update – Council Presentation May 3rd-  The Cupertino Parks and Rec  team is slated make its presentation and recommendations to the city council on May 3rd.  Walk-Bike Cupertino supports developing Safe and Easy Biking and Walking throughout...
Cupertino CY16 Bike Plan Update

Cupertino CY16 Bike Plan Update

Per David Stillman, Senior Civil Engineer: “We are on track for Council adoption of the Alta plan in June. Two successful public workshops and Bike/Ped Committee meetings completed to date; I will be taking the prioritization list to the BPC in April (may be...
“Pedal for the Planet” Family Bike Ride

“Pedal for the Planet” Family Bike Ride

Mar 28, 2016    by Chelsea Biklin, Cupertino Safe Routes to School Coordinator Pedal for the Planet Family Bike Ride April 30th , 2016: ‘Pedal for the Planet Family Bike Ride’ at Earth Day!This year the City of Cupertino will host its first ever Pedal for...