by Larry Dean | May 20, 2016
Dear Council Members, I am writing to follow up on the verbal comments I made during the Budget Study Session on the afternoon of Monday, May 17th. I realize that the bike and pedestrian plans created have not been adopted by the council yet, but they are expected to...
by Larry Dean | May 17, 2016
Author: Revathy Narasimhan We had a fantastic turnout and over 175 bikers stopped to learn about local biking events and biking groups. The Cupertino station also encouraged bikers to fill out a short survey to assess biking patterns. The bicyclists enjoyed a healthy...
by Larry Dean | May 6, 2016
The Cupertino Strategic Bike Plan reached a major milestone with the approval of the Bike/Ped Commisson on April 28th. The city will now go through a 20 day CEQA environmental notification and feedback period. It is slated to go before the city council for approval...
by Larry Dean | Apr 10, 2016
Stevens Creek Trail Update – Council Presentation May 3rd- The Cupertino Parks and Rec team is slated make its presentation and recommendations to the city council on May 3rd. Walk-Bike Cupertino supports developing Safe and Easy Biking and Walking throughout...
by Larry Dean | Apr 10, 2016
Per David Stillman, Senior Civil Engineer: “We are on track for Council adoption of the Alta plan in June. Two successful public workshops and Bike/Ped Committee meetings completed to date; I will be taking the prioritization list to the BPC in April (may be...
by Larry Dean | Mar 28, 2016
Mar 28, 2016 by Chelsea Biklin, Cupertino Safe Routes to School Coordinator Pedal for the Planet Family Bike Ride April 30th , 2016: ‘Pedal for the Planet Family Bike Ride’ at Earth Day!This year the City of Cupertino will host its first ever Pedal for...