by Revathy Narasimhan | Mar 26, 2019
Hi David, Cherie, and the bike-ped commission, A big thank you to the commission, Cheri and the city for adding the bucket with flags at Rainbow and Poppy. This is a major improvement for that cross-walk and in the half-hour where I walked back and forth, I noticed at...
by Larry Dean | Mar 1, 2019
Project Update 2/26: The Final community meeting about the Homestead Corridor Safe Route to School Study was held on on Monday, February 25, 2019 at Homestead High School Auditorium. It was attended by ~75 community members including school,...
by Jennifer Shearin | Feb 27, 2019
This month’s Bicycle Pedestrian Commission meeting included a final review of the Bike Boulevards in northern Cupertino, an update on all the Bike Projects, and discussions on a survey of Commissioners for improved communications between the City Council and...
by Larry Dean | Feb 26, 2019
This article summarizes the 2018 crash data collected and published by the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department. We hope that it helps you put perspective on your efforts and desire to make Cupertino a “Safe and Easy community to bike and walk”. Cupertino...
by Revathy Narasimhan | Feb 20, 2019
Hello all, Exciting news! Cupertino is gearing up to start building a separated bike lane network. For an explanation of separated bike lanes, see this video: Protected Bike Lanes 101. The first segment of Cupertino’s network will be on McClellan Road between Imperial...
by Byron Rovegno | Feb 7, 2019
In a significant move at the February 5th council meeting, the Cupertino City Council unanimously approved the funding to conduct a feasibility study for the Junipero Serra Trail The proposed bike/ped trail will run inside the Highway 280 southern sound wall from the...