by WBC Advisory Board | Oct 14, 2019
At the July Cupertino City Council meeting, the Mayor and Councilmembers approved funding for several 2019-20 Bicycle and Pedestrian projects. These include $242K additional for the McClellan Class IV protected bike lanes; $65K additional for Wayfinding signage; $1.3M...
by Jennifer Shearin | Oct 2, 2019
Cupertino’s Fall Bike Fest on September 28, 2019 was the biggest and best Bike Fest yet for the whole family! We hope that you were able to join WBC for all the events. WBC is proud to have partnered with the City of Cupertino to provide helmet fittings for...
by Shiloh Ballard | Oct 1, 2019
Dear Cupertio Resident, SVBC and SCC Public Health have partnered to organize a series of city-led, educational bike rides for city leaders and staff to learn how to install great bike infrastructure. We’ve hosted rides around the Better Bikeways in...
by Seema Lindskog | Sep 20, 2019
At 4:30am in the morning, Wed Sept 18th, after hearing from a blockbuster 111 residents (76 supporters, 35 opponents), the city council unanimously agreed to fund the feasibility and full construction of the Regnart Creek trail Option D. They also added a...
by WBC Advisory Board | Sep 4, 2019
SEPTEMBER 17 IS THE MAKE OR BREAK DAY FOR THE REGNART TRAIL. On Tuesday Sept 17 at 7pm, the City Council will vote on whether the city should continue working on the Regnart Creek Trail. We expect heavy opposition from anti-trail residents who live along the trail....
by Cherie Walkowiak | Aug 23, 2019
Hi All, This short survey is the City of Cupertino’s effort to collaborate with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) to better understand commute patterns in our region. I know that this is not directly related to Safe Routes to School. However,...