Kudos to the Cupertino Community and the Walk-Bike Cupertino team! With nearly 3 dozen supporters in attendance, there were 10 school kids and 14 adults who spoke to the council.
Thank you so much to all the residents who came out and spoke, especially the kids who stayed past 8 pm on a school night to make sure their voices were heard.
It made a hugely positive impact to have so many positive speakers as was reflected in the comments by the city council members – What a pleasant surprise that the full council likes the bridge. The most memorable quote of the evening belongs to Councilwoman Liang Chao who said that this bridge clearly solves an important problem for the local residents and she was in support.
We also learned in the staff’s presentation that one of the two homeowners who have land impacting the project site has no problem ceding the small tongue of land. This means that they can just adjust the bridge alignment. It looks like the remaining challenges will be a) keeping this project up on the priority list, and b) fitting it into the CIP budget against other competing demands. I expect Measure B money will be available and probably some grants that will mitigate the cost to the city
In the meantime, let’s celebrate the results and safe rides!
Byron Rovegno

Walk Bike Cupertino