Petition Supporters of the Regnart Creek Trail

Petition Supporters of the Regnart Creek Trail

Who are the supporters of the Regnart Trail?  Though many walking and biking advocates outside the City limits of Cupertino support this trail (and other local trails), the vast majority –approximately 90%– of the petition signers are from the city of...
Should Neighbors Close To Bike Trails Worry About Crime?

Should Neighbors Close To Bike Trails Worry About Crime?

An issue that comes up frequently when new trails are proposed are concerns about increased crime.  After investigating this issue throughly, the overwhelming evidence from studies of hundreds of trails and from sheriff data from local trails are that trails are safe....
July 3 Cupertino City Council Meeting Bike News

July 3 Cupertino City Council Meeting Bike News

The July 3 City Council meeting had two significant items for biking and walking local community members. First, WBC’s Larry Dean presented a “thank you” award to outgoing City Manager David Brandt for all his efforts to improve our bicycling and...