Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Notes 2/20/19

Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Notes 2/20/19

This month’s Bicycle Pedestrian Commission meeting included a final review of the Bike Boulevards in northern Cupertino, an update on all the Bike Projects, and discussions on a survey of Commissioners for improved communications between the City Council and...
Junipero Serra Trail to Council Feb 4th

Junipero Serra Trail to Council Feb 4th

The adoption of a resolution to approve the Junipero Serra Trail Feasibility Study will be discussed and voted on at the City Council meeting held on Tuesday, February 5, 2019. Select Event Flyer To view and download the final draft of the Study, please visit...
Enter our Find the Wayfinding Signs Contest!

Enter our Find the Wayfinding Signs Contest!

Walk-Bike Cupertino want you and your family to enjoy the Bike Boulevard changes coming to Cupertino to improve safety and enjoyment for cyclists on our lower-traffic side streets. To that end, we are sponsoring a contest to find the new Wayfinding Signs which will be...