by Jennifer Shearin | Jul 2, 2020
A new report out from the Safe Routes Partnership and the YMCA of the USA analyzes state policy in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia to provide a snapshot of each state’s support for walking, biking, and physical activity. The report cards were generated by...
by Jennifer Shearin | Jun 26, 2020
The City of Cupertino through Safe Routes to School is offering a Middle School Bike Skills Summer Workshop to prepare rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders for biking to middle school and beyond. Students will learn how to be confident riders by learning the rules of the...
by Jennifer Shearin | Jun 17, 2020
Even as Santa Clara County opens up by allowing residents to dine-in at restaurants, not everyone will feel comfortable doing so—or even should, because of age or condition. Here’s a great idea for a way to have your restaurant food, and safely eat it too: bike and...
by Jennifer Shearin | Jun 12, 2020
Recently, it has been said that Bike Boulevards should be prioritized ahead of all other Cupertino bicycle and pedestrian projects, because they will improve safety for students traveling to school and encourage more school commutes by bike. At the July 16, 2019 City...
by Jennifer Shearin | Jun 2, 2020
Though the trend for both pedestrian and cyclist accidents in Cupertino is downward (fewer crashes), there are still enough for concern. This is especially true as many studies show that most accidents are never reported. Who is most likely to experience a crash? ...