Safe Routes 2 School Celebrates Another Year!

Safe Routes 2 School Celebrates Another Year!

Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School aims to improve safety conditions around schools and foster an environment that empowers students to walk, bike, and carpool to school. This program, which began in 2015 celebrates another year of success as the 2016/17 school year draws...
SRTS October Update

SR2S Working Group Meeting – March 8 2017

Hi All! Thanks for attending another great SR2S Working Group meeting last Wednesday. It’s so exciting to be around passionate community members like yourselves and watch our programmatic ideas come into fruition as physical changes. Attached are the materials from...
Safe Routes 2 School Celebrates Another Year!

SRTS Parent “Meet-up”

Last week’s Safe Routes 2 School Parent Meet-Up event was a huge success! Nearly 40 residents from Cupertino and surrounding cities showed up to learn about Palo Alto’s acclaimed Safe Routes to School Program and strategies for increasing walking and biking education...
Safe Routes 2 School Celebrates Another Year!

SR2S Working Group Meeting

We had another great meeting this week with nearly 25 in attendance and representation from most Cupertino schools. The meeting included a special traffic enforcement update from Sgt. Leo Gonzales with some very interesting updates about school driver behaviors and...