WBC has discussed many times that “Class III Bike Infrastructure”–those with painted symbols and a sign–are not as safe for cyclists than separated bike lanes and trails. (See my posts here from 2019 and here from 2020).
Now, a new 13-year study by the University of Colorado Denver and the University of New Mexico brings new data that separated bike lanes or trails significantly reduce fatalities and injuries, painted bike lanes have no effect, and painting the bike symbol in a shared lane decreases safety.
They show that where bike symbols are painted in the middle of lane that it was actually safer to have no bike markings at all.
The study was focused on whether physically separated bike lanes improve safety. The data showed they clearly do. After analyzing traffic crash data over a 13-year period with various biking architecture, it was found that having a protected bike facility results in 44 percent fewer deaths and 50 percent fewer serous injuries.

An example of a “sharrow”, or painted bike markings in Cupertino. This one is just south of Lawson Middle School, where students on their way to school share the road each day with cars.
Why This Matters
To reduce fatalities and injuries, we need to encourage our Councilmembers to look at the data and see that protected bike lanes and trails are what the city should spend its money on. This isn’t necessarily what is happening today.
In Cupertino, some City Councilmembers are strong advocates for Bike Boulevards (painted bicycle symbols and signs) instead of trails, paths, or separated bike lanes. Councilmember Liang Chao has on many occasions repeatedly stressed that the city should focus on on-street Bike Boulevards and discontinue work on off-street multi-use walking and biking paths At the July 2019 City Council meeting, she stated, “This [Bike Boulevards] is what we should be focusing on…this should be the priority of the city.” (Video is here, time stamp 7:17:15.)
As they make the spending decisions, it’s important that our Councilmembers are aware of data that shows which infrastructure is best for safety. As residents, we can be that avenue for sharing this information.
Cities with high cycling rates had fewer traffic crashes, as noted in a 2017 study. But it turned out this wasn’t because of the high number of cyclists changing driver behaviors, such as encouraging them to slow down. Instead, they found that biking infrastructure, especially those that physically divided cyclists from cars, such as “Class IV” lanes and bike paths, significantly lowered accidents and fatalities. Painted bike lanes showed no improvement, and roads with the bike symbol and arrows were even less safe than unpainted roads.
One other positive note: all the cities that were studied that had added new protected biking infrastructure saw increases in biking in those locations.
Adding separated bike lanes not only decreases injuries and deaths in current bike riders, but also encourages more cycling–a further traffic and sustainability bonus for cities.
WBC will continue advocating for the best and safest ways for community members to get to destinations and enjoy recreation in active ways. Thank you for being a part of that effort!
The information expressed in this post are solely the opinions of the author and Walk-Bike Cupertino, and do not reflect the opinions of any other organization, including the City of Cupertino or its commissions. More information on the study can be found here.
The referenced study isn’t worth the paper it wasn’t printed on, unfortunately. The “researchers” attributed city-wide effects to the minimal construction of a few bike lanes, which does not even pass a smell test from many meters away. For example, Chicago ( one of the cites allegedly studied ) has over 4,000 miles of streets, and even today — in 2024 — has only 47.2 miles of protected cycle lanes. The notion that those 47 miles of cycle lanes influence behavior city-wide is patently ridiculous, and can be easily disproven by either cursory observation, or statistical analysis — which will find that traffic deaths continue to rise in Chicago, and in other places, despite the claims made in this article.
It does no one any good to cite such nonsensical attempts at research.
Hello David,
Thanks for being a reader. The study investigated in twelve cities in the US and over 13 years a total of 17,000 fatalities and 77,000 severe injuries. It’s a big study, which was published in a reputable peer-reviewed journal (Journal of Transport & Health).
Here’s some key information from ScienceDaily.com about the study:
Originally, researchers believed that more bike lanes and the increase in cyclists would lead to a “safety-in-numbers” effect [as all these cities had significant increases in the number of cyclists]: the more cyclists on the road, the more likely drivers would slow down and be aware of their surroundings.
Instead, they found that safer cities aren’t due to the increase in cyclists, but the infrastructure built for them — specifically, separated and protected bike lanes. They found that bicycling infrastructure is significantly associated with fewer fatalities and better road-safety outcomes.
Portland, Ore., saw the biggest increase. Between 1990 and 2010, city’s bicycle mode share increased from 1.2% to 6%; over the same period, the road fatality rate dropped by 75%. With added bike lanes, fatal crash rates dropped in Seattle (-60.6%), San Francisco (-49.3%), Denver (-40.3%) and Chicago (-38.2%), among others.
We may not always agree with the conclusions reached in studies, but this is a reputable study with conclusions that should be carefully considered.
You appear to ignore the fact that MOST of the cycling would be on those 47 miles of bike lanes because they are safer and usually the main roads going somewhere. I often run into people that are anti-bike lane but my personal experiences with them over 50 years of riding is that they are not only good for cyclists but also safer for pedestrians who get an extra area between them and traffic.
Hi David, thanks for weighing in! We agree that biking infrastructure helps pedestrians, and even transit users too! An easy example is how adding buffered bike lanes helps pedestrians and transit users by adding more space between the fast-moving car lanes and the sidewalk. With a protected lane, it’s even better. Recent tragedies (such as the one on Foothill last year) show us how a protected bike lane can significantly reduce or eliminate injuries for all.