Happy 10th Anniversary, Walk Bike Cupertino

Happy 10th Anniversary, Walk Bike Cupertino

In the fall of 2013, while I was serving on the Cupertino City Council, resident and avid biker Larry Dean and I visited City Manager David Brandt. Larry said our bike plan at the time lacked ambition and coherent vision, and wanted to fix that to make biking safer...

Bedwell Bayfront Park: from “Trash” to “Treasure”

Bedwell Bayfront Park: from “Trash” to “Treasure”

A few months ago, a water polo tournament brought us to Bedwell Bayfront Park in Menlo Park. In between games, we walked about 40 minutes on the trail along marshlands and enjoyed watching wildlife in the salt ponds. Reading the park signages, we were very surprised...

Join us in our advocacy for safe and enjoyable walking and biking in Cupertino for all ages and abilities.

Whether you live in, work in, or visit Cupertino. Whether you want to increase biking and walking for health, sustainability, traffic reduction, or active transportation to schools, Walk Bike Cupertino  speaks to your concerns and makes your voice count. Join us today!

Walk Bike Cupertino never sells or shares personal information.


On-street protected bike lanes at Lawson Middle School

In a unanimous vote on July 9, the Cupertino City Council approved the new protected bikeway at Lawson.

We’re proud that WBC was instrumental in coordinating support for this result. Thank you to everyone that wrote to the Council and came to speak.

Together, WE made this happen!

Get the latest news on local projects, safety issues, and new ideas!

Newsletters come out every month to six weeks. Don’t miss an issue–subscribe today.

Information you need for you and your family

Walk Bike Cupertino makes sure that if you like to walk, bike, run or hike, we’ve got the most up-to-date information for you. Click any of the blocks below to learn more!

City Projects

Costs, timing, & information on what’s happening in your neighborhood


Local maps of where to walk, hike or bike, plus student, Safe Routes, and accident data.


Upcoming local events for all ages, and meetings on biking and walking issues.


Safety tips for all ages, and accident data, plus report your safety concerns here!

About Walk Bike Cupertino

Safe & Enjoyable Walking & Biking

Walk Bike Cupertino advocates for safe and enjoyable walking and bicyling for all ages and abilities in our community, including:

➤  Supporting all approved City of Cupertino Plans;

➤  Encouraging new projects and plans to increase safety and enjoyment for all walkers and cyclists;

➤  Encouraging active commutes to schools for all students and working with Safe Routes to School;

➤  Encouraging active transportation to shops, work, parks, and local points of interest; and

➤  Providing data, maps and information for all local residents who have an interest in walking, running, hiking or biking.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What's that project in my neighborhood?

Find all about bike and ped projects in your neighborhood on our Projects & Funding page here. We list all of the current and recent past projects there by location.

How do I know which candidates support walking and biking in Cupertino?

Walk-Bike Cupertino surveys all the candidates for the City Council and sometimes for other races as well for their positions on walking and biking. The information comes out in February before the primaries or in October before the election so you can make an informed decision. The 2022 information is found here for City Council Candidates and the 2024 information for State Assembly candidates is here. WBC does not endorse any candidates.

How do I (or my kids) learn to ride a bike?

The best way is to take a class! There are classes in Cupertino and in all the nearby cities as well. See more information here for Bicyling Solutions, which is perfect for adults: private/group lessons. Middle School students can also take classes through Cupertino Safe Routes to School. Classes are held each summer. See here for more information: Middle School Bike Skills Class.

How can I get more involved or help more?

We’re always looking for friends and neighbors that are willing to help advocate for a particular project, or just to improve walking and biking in general. Here’s some ideas:

Contact us about a particular project. We have lots of ideas on how to help! Email us at info@walkbikecupertino.org.

Report new incidents, concerns and areas needing improvement, so that we can get your concerns elevated and make sure they are included in the next Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans. (Click here to report.)

Attend Cupertino City Council meetings (first and third Tuesdays at 6:45pm) or email the Council to let them know that bicycle and pedestrians issues are important to you, or that you support a particular project.

Want to help more? Consider whether our Advisory Board is a good fit for you. Email us at info@walkbikecupertino.org to ask for more details.

Where's a good place to hike locally?

Click here for some great information on hiking locally.

How do I keep my kids safe while riding?

See our great safety tips here for riders of all ages! Classes are also a great idea. Here are two options: private/group lessons, or a summer bike clinic for middle schoolers.

Don’t forget that YOUR advocacy can make it safer for you to ride and walk in Cupertino. Working together, WBC has successfully advocated for great walking trails, protected bike lanes, and safety measures around the city. Add your voice by signing up for the newsletter here, and by getting involved by contacting us here.