Walk-Bike News
Cupertino Council moves forward on 3 important projects
We are pleased to announce that the Cupertino City Council has voted to approve and move forward three important projects in Cupertino that are beneficial for cyclists in our city. All votes on these projects were unanimous, and thanks go to every Councilmember for...
The Biking Viking – How to Carry Things on Your Bike
Most people spend 90% of their time within 5 miles or less of their homes, outside of commuting to work. You can easily replace many car trips in the neighborhood with a bike ride from dropping the kids off, getting groceries, going to the bank, running other errands,...
Mr. Roadshow says not to give up on the UPRR Trail
The future UPRR Trail here in Cupertino seems to be at a standstill. Union Pacific doesn't seem to want to work with the City of Cupertino to allow a trail there, and it can't move forward without their approval. This trail is important to Cupertino: it is Tier 1 on...
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Bicycle Revolution, A Course On Wheels, Teaches Students About The Politics Of Social Change
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How Exercise Can Keep Aging Muscles and Immune Systems ‘Young’
New York Times (03.15.18) Remaining physically active as we grow older could help to keep our muscles and immune systems robust, according to two inspiring new studies of older recreational cyclists. Together, the experiments add to growing evidence that some of our...
David Byrne on Traveling the World by Bicycle—and Getting Lost
The former Talking Heads frontman, who’s touring the world for his album ’American Utopia,’ on his penchant for two-wheeled exploration, losing his way in a Swedish forest and his devotion to leftovers By Matthew Kronsberg March 14, 2018 11:05 a.m. ET THIS...