Walk-Bike News
Why I Like Biking to School
“I bike here. No, it’s not far, it’s just about 15 minutes.” I answered someone who asked how I go to school. Since I started high school, my bike has become my best friend on my way to school. The reason I started biking to school is simple: I can arrange my time in...
Our 2022 Election Survey Scores are in! See which City Council candidates get top marks
The results of our election year Candidate Survey are again informative and surprising! We asked Cupertino City Council candidates their views on walking and biking infrastructure and biking and for encouragement of both of them. We scored the responses and ranked the...
Stevens Creek Trail Now Extends North of Stevens Creek
We are happy to announce that a pedestrian trail extension of the Stevens Creek Trail is now open north of Stevens Creek, where the trail had previously ended. It is now possible to cross from the south side of Stevens Creek Boulevard by going under the road overpass...
Related News
Super Bowl Ride up Mt. Hamilton
Join Silicon Valley Bike Coalition's annual Super Bowl Ride up Mt. Hamilton. 9 AM meeting time at the Berryessa Community Center - 3050 Berryessa Rd, San Jose, CA 95132 - just East of I-680 and Berryessa exit. "We're doing our annual Superbowl ride up Mt....
Looking for a Christmas Bike?
We have four excellent bike shops and resources in Cupertino area! Selecting a bicycle can be complicated and our local bike businesses have great selections, service and support in helping you make the right purchase. All of these resources are highly...
Cyclists and Motorists: Avoid a “Right Hook” on McClellan Road
Drivers need to be very careful to not turn across the new bike lanes on McClellan without looking to see if a bike is traveling along the lane first. If they do not, it can cause what is called a “right hook”, which can be dangerous or even deadly for cyclists. Cars...