Why don’t we forget how to ride a bike?

Why don’t we forget how to ride a bike?

Why Don’t We Forget How to Ride a Bike? By Boris Suchan on November 15, 2018 The way memories are anchored in the brain plays a role, neuropsychologist Boris Suchan explains Credit: Getty Images Most of us learn how to ride a bike during childhood. But as we grow...
Cycling News Articles Week of 10/22/18

Cycling News Articles Week of 10/22/18

20 Most Bike Friendly Cities On the Planet (10.23.18) Wired Feds Give Green Light for more funding (10.23.18) Patch Biking the Open Road in Colorado (10.22.18) New York Times This collapsible and foldable helmet (10.16.18) Mashable How to Buy a Bicycle (10.08.18)...
The forgotten era of women’s bicycle racing

The forgotten era of women’s bicycle racing

Reprint from the Guardian A new book tells the story of the most popular arena sport in America in the 1890s: women’s bicycle racing.   Women on the Move: The Forgotten Era of Women’s Bicycle Racing by Roger Gilles covers the short-lived heyday of women’s professional...

How To Choose your First Bicycle

MapMyRun, Sept. 30, 2018 How to Choose your First Bicycle Select for full article link So, you’ve decided to buy a road bike. It’s a big moment, one that will soon be followed by you riding lower on the handlebars, racing across the pavement faster than your mountain...