ACTC Event News

ACTC Event News

Well the summer is almost gone already, and what do we have to show for it, dear readers?   Russ & Sheila Stevens, fresh from their ice cream social last month, kick off our newsletter with a blurb for their “Bay In 2 Days” tour in late...
Recap Carmen Bridge Community Outreach Meeting

Recap Carmen Bridge Community Outreach Meeting

Recap of May 29th Carmen Bridge Community Outreach MeetingAbout 40 community members attended the meeting with a strong majority in strong support of the project. Thank you those who were able to attend – you made a big difference! Here’s the meeting...
Stevens Creek Elementary Bike Rodeo

Stevens Creek Elementary Bike Rodeo

On May 7th, Walk-Bike Cupertino volunteers participated in the Bike Rodeo event hosted at the Stevens Creek Elementary School. Together with dozens of community leaders from Santa Clara County Sheriff, Trail Head Cyclery, Silicon Valley Bike Coalition,...