The Bicycle Pedestrian Commission (BPC) meeting in May covered a multi-use path along the Blackberry Farm entrance road, intersection improvements at De Anza Blvd. & McClellan Rd., and traffic signal changes at Stevens Creek Blvd. & Wolfe Rd. It kicked off with written communications about maintenance issues for the bike lanes near Bubb Rd. If you see a roadway or path in disrepair, report it through Cupertino 311 and, optionally you may email the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission.
The Blackberry Farm Multi-use Path

For this meeting, City Staff presented the completed study of that modification, only needing to add striping to separate bicyclists from pedestrians. The project is estimated to cost between $3 and $4 million for the quarter-mile path because the site is on a sloping grade and the path must conform to the ADA definition of a ramp. The BPC unanimously voted to recommend the modified alternative to the City Council, while reiterating that it was only a Tier 3 project on the 2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan. Unfortunately, without direction from the City Council, this project will not move forward to the design phase due to budget and staff resource constraints.
McClellan Road Safety Improvements
The next project presented by the City Staff was the third phase of the McClellan Road safety improvements. This phase deals with the tricky intersection at De Anza Blvd., as McClellan Rd. turns into Pacifica Dr. Not only does the intersection span more than 8 lanes of traffic on De Anza Blvd., but McClellan and Pacifica are significantly offset from each other. It’s unclear if the project will bring bicycle safety improvements when crossing De Anza Blvd., but it does improve the crosswalks, shortening them by making them perpendicular to the roadway. A potential eight-phase signaling system, with dedicated left turn phases, could protect bicyclists and pedestrians from interacting with drivers turning onto De Anza Blvd. The design will be finalized in December 2021 for construction in 2022.

Traffic Signal Changes at Stevens Creek Blvd.