Walk-Bike News
Bike Buses: a great way for students to get to school safely
The percentage of people biking to both Monta Vista and Cupertino High Schools have shown a slight upward trend, currently around 15% (Tino) and 12% (MV) of the student population. This is fairly typical of our local high schools, with the exception of Homestead High...
Sometimes biking on the sidewalk is the safest option
Cities vary in whether they allow sidewalk riding. San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Palo Alto allow sidewalk riding by people of all ages (with some caveats), with restrictions in business districts. Cupertino prohibits sidewalk riding for people 13 years old and above, while...
Three easy and inexpensive ways to dramatically improve safety for our students
Like many Cupertino residents, my kids attended and thrived at our local CUSD and FUHSD schools. This doesn't mean that they didn't face challenges--and one of them was a safe commute to school each day. Some of the issues that students face have been addressed...
Related News
Ideas for Cupertino Summer Adventures
Summer is here, and what better way to enjoy the beautiful weather than by exploring Cupertino’s wonderful outdoors? Whether you prefer biking, walking, or hiking, we have some great tips to ensure you have a great time outside. The Stevens Creek Trail is perhaps one...
Building a Senior-Friendly Community for Aging in Place
A thriving community is one that meets the needs of its residents at every age. In Cupertino, seniors are a rising and large portion of our population. According to the Age-Friendly Cupertino Task Force in May 2019, about 20% of Cupertino's homes are occupied by...
Why shifting to the center of the lane can be safer (and is legal!)
Many cyclists are leery about biking in the center of a lane, and many drivers think that bikes shouldn't be there. It’s actually one of the best places for adults to bike (kids should use the sidewalk) if the street has no bike lanes or only bike "paint stripe"...