by Larry Dean | Jul 25, 2016
Attendees: Vidula Iyer, Sean Lin, Gary Jones, Pete Heller, Erik Lindstrom, David Stillman, Gerry Tallinger, Shivani Dripathe and sons Amay and Akosh (CHS student), Gerhard Eschelbeck, Craig Hofstetter, Revathy Narasimhan. General Info: Larry Dean reported that the all...
by Vidula Aiyer | Jun 30, 2016
Author: Vidula Aiyer (Bike/Ped Commission Chair) The Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission (BPC) is delighted to announce that the City Council adopted the 2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan on June 21st. This plan provides a blueprint for expanded and improved...
by Larry Dean | Jun 23, 2016
N E W S R E L E A S E Date: June 28, 2016 CUPERTINO, CA – In a show of support for the bicycle community, City Council adopted an updated Bicycle Transportation Plan (“2016 Bike Plan”) on June 21, 2016 and allocated $2.0 million to jump start its implementation. Last...
by Stuart Rosenberg | Jun 12, 2016
DRAFT 2016 BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW The DRAFT Cupertino 2016 Cupertino Bicycle Transportation Plan Update is now available for public review. The Draft Bicycle Transportation Plan, CEQA Initial Study (IS), Notice of Intent (NOI) and...
by Larry Dean | May 20, 2016
Dear Council Members, I am writing to follow up on the verbal comments I made during the Budget Study Session on the afternoon of Monday, May 17th. I realize that the bike and pedestrian plans created have not been adopted by the council yet, but they are expected to...
by Larry Dean | May 17, 2016
Author: Revathy Narasimhan We had a fantastic turnout and over 175 bikers stopped to learn about local biking events and biking groups. The Cupertino station also encouraged bikers to fill out a short survey to assess biking patterns. The bicyclists enjoyed a healthy...