Union Pacific Trail Takes Next Step

Union Pacific Trail Takes Next Step

At the February 20 2018 meeting, the city council approved a nearly $260K contract with Alta Design to start  preliminary design for the planned bike/ped trail along the Union Pacific corridor from Prospect Road to Stevens Creek Boulevard. Projected timing of...
Important City/Bike Meetings this Week

Important City/Bike Meetings this Week

Tomorrow, Tuesday; 2/20, there are two meetings that might interest you for your participation: Junipero Serra Trail Community Outreach, to be held 6 pm at Quinlan Community Center and     Cupertino City Council meeting –  6:45 PM at Cupertino...
2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan Implementation Update

2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan Implementation Update

Class IV Separated Bike Lanes McClellan Road/Pacifica Drive Conceptual designs for Class IV (separated) bike lanes along McClellan Road between Byrne Avenue and De Anza Boulevard, and along Pacifica Drive between De Anza Blvd and Torre Ave, have been completed. Staff...
2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan Implementation Update

Bicycle Plan Update

Press release from the City of Cupertino, CA Bicycle Transportation Plan Update Date: 02/13/2018 5:21 pm The Transportation Division has been busy working towards implementing some of the prioritized projects identified in the City of Cupertino 2016 Bicycle...
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting 1/17/18

Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting 1/17/18

At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission several topics were discussed, including potential changes to the Master Pedestrian Plan and options for the McClellan corridor portion of the Bicycle Master Plan. Several...