Picchetti Ranch Preserve

Picchetti Ranch Preserve

A few weeks ago on Martin Luther King Jr. Monday, I went on a hike with my family. This time, we hiked in the Picchetti Ranch Preserve, and followed the Zinfandel trail that Seema Lindskog, Chair of Walk Bike Cupertino, wrote about in summer 2020. The Stevens Creek...
All Seasons Hiking Group: Exercise, Connect & Recharge

All Seasons Hiking Group: Exercise, Connect & Recharge

Do you love Mondays? We do. After a whole weekend of being busy with families, what could be better than hiking in nature and catching up with friends in fresh mountain air on a Monday? It’s a great way to kick off a new week, being actively recharged through...
Bedwell Bayfront Park: from “Trash” to “Treasure”

Bedwell Bayfront Park: from “Trash” to “Treasure”

A few months ago, a water polo tournament brought us to Bedwell Bayfront Park in Menlo Park. In between games, we walked about 40 minutes on the trail along marshlands and enjoyed watching wildlife in the salt ponds. Reading the park signages, we were very surprised...