To accommodate the new state requirements for high school students–who must not start school before 8:30am–and middle school students–who must not start before 8:00am–many CUSD elementary and middle schools will start and end at new times. These changes are also planned to help reduce traffic around schools by spacing out start times as much as possible for schools in nearby locations.
Why does this matter for walking and biking? By making these changes, it should improve safety for kids who walk or bike to school by reducing traffic on their routes. Drivers who are on the road at these new times can also try to avoid school routes during pickup and drop off traffic times and keep our children safer.

New Schedules
Click on the images below to see the new start times for each school.
Note: when two times are listed for a middle school, the earlier time is for “zero” period, and the later one is for the standard start time.

Kids who get to school actively have been shown to have better concentration at school, leading to improved school outcomes. Per the Safe Routes Partnership, “Walking and biking to school can help ensure students arrive ready to learn. One study found that after walking for 20 minutes, children responded to test questions with greater accuracy and had more brain activity than children who had been sitting.” Encourage your child and those children attending your local school to bike, walk, or scooter to school!