The California legislature leaned hard in 2022 into making our state a more cyclist and pedestrian friendly state, though missed some opportunities that we hope will come back again. Below are some of the more noteworthy state transportation bills passed and missed in 2022 which are likely to affect our local community.

Plan for the Future (SB932)
Requires cities and counties to update their general plans by 2024 to include “a balanced, multimodal transportation network … and to ensure that the plan includes bicycle and pedestrian plans…” and implement those plans within two years. It establishes a grant program to help cities accomplish this.
AB2863: Proposes standards for adoption of building standards for longterm bicycle parking in apartments and hotels.
Freedom to Walk (AB2147)
Allows safe, commonsense street crossing (“jaywalking”), when traffic permits, outside of crosswalks.
Pedestrian Head Start (AB2264)
When Caltrans replaces or installs a traffic signal, the pedestrian walking signal must be changed to give a leading interval of 3-7 seconds before the vehicle light turns green to allow pedestrians a head start.
OmniBike Bill (AB1909)
Drivers must switch lanes to pass bikes; allows e-bikes on all bikeways; allows bikes to cross at the pedestrian walk signal or green light; and eliminates any local bike registration ordinances. (Note: Cupertino Municipal code has a registration ordinance, but it has not been enforced in many years.)
AB2174: Shared mobility devices such as a scooters or bikes available to the public are now part of standard towing regulations.
What didn’t go as hoped
There was some legislation crafted this year that wasn’t that great for cyclists, or was not signed into law.
The Bicycle Safety Stop Bill
- This bill would have allowed people on bikes to treat stop signs as yields. It’s been successfullly implemented in several other states. It did pass in the state house and senate, but was withdrawn when the Governor stated he would veto it.
Electric Bike Incentives (AB117)
- The bill would establish an Electric Bicycle Incentives Project to provide incentives, in the form of vouchers, to income-qualified individuals for the purchase of electric bicycles. This bill did not pass, however, there are currently incentives coming early this year through the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Learn more here.
The “Kill Bike Share” Bill (AB371)
- This bill passed, and looked to be the end of bike shares, as originally written it placed a heavy insurance burden on bike share companies. With the help of CalBike, the author of the bill was able to remove the insurance requirement in the bill for bike shares, unfortunately still keeping requirements for scooter shares (albeit reduced).
What you can do
Interested in statewide bicycle advocacy? CalBike is the statewide bicycle advocacy organization which advocates for safer and more accessible active transportation throughout the state of California. You can find out much more about them and how to get involved (even to just sign a petition) here.