This Spring, the Carmen Bridge Task Force undertook significant community outreach and meetings with city council and staff. These efforts have drawn tremendous support and endorsements from community leaders and have provided a good deal of information to the City Council. Our goal has been to have the council set aside a budget for design and construction in 2022 – we’d like to see a firm financial commitment to preclude any unforeseen event (aka the pandemic) that would postpone project initiation for another year.

In the proposed 2021-22 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) budget, the city has set aside $75,000 to deal with obtaining property rights to a thin slice (1’x12’ ) of property at the end of a cul-de-sac on the downward facing slope of the Stevens Creek Blvd roadway. We trust that the city will be able to positively resolve this issue so that design can commence.
The bridge has wide support from neighborhood residents (over 200 petition signatures), school PTO/PTAs, school board members and local business communities. Below is the list of organization and individual endorsements.
Endorsements from Organizations:
Cupertino Chamber of Commerce (Letter of Support)
Cupertino Bike Ped Commission (2021 Work Plan Priority)
Cupertino SR2S Working Group
Friends of Stevens Creek Trail
Kennedy Middle School (KMS) PTA
Monta Vista High School (MVHS) PTSA
Stevens Creek PTO
Sunny View Retirement Community
Western Wheelers
YEPI (Youth Environmental Power Initiative)
Endorsements from Individuals:
CUSD Board Members:
Jerry Liu
Sateesh Madhatil
Phllis Vogel
Lori Cunningham
FUHSD Board Members:
Roy Rocklin
Bill Wilson
Jeff Moe
Three of our councilpersons (Wei, Chao and Willey) have expressed strong support for the project and moved it forward in the process. For all of you who have signed the petitions, written city council or attended meetings in support, we thank you!
We also give a shout out to the neighborhood members of the Carmen Bridge task force. The bridge will make it safe for our children to walk or ride their bikes to school, connect our neighborhoods, parks, and extend the reach of the Stevens Creek Trail from Linda Vista to Varian Park, near the Stevens Creek School. You are all making a big difference for our community!
This is a fantastic project. We ride our bikes there and have to cross Stevens Creek which is dangerous.