Though the trend for both pedestrian and cyclist accidents in Cupertino is downward (fewer crashes), there are still enough for concern. This is especially true as many studies show that most accidents are never reported. Who is most likely to experience a crash?Â
Pedestrians or cyclists who are either under 18 or over age 60 are at the greatest risk for a crash.
About a third of the crashes involved our student youth who are 18 years and younger (with a few college students also experiencing accidents in the DeAnza College area)
More than half the student accidents occurred around the Cupertino High School area.
About a third of all auto/bike/pedestrian crashes occur in people over 60.
A fatality…the worst outcome of a crash possible
Pedestrian and cyclists deaths do occur in Cupertino, though not very often.
Recently, a pedestrian was killed in December 2019 on Bollinger Ave near Wunderlich when an elderly resident attempted to cross in the nighttime. A prior pedestrian fatality was in January 2018 at Stelling and Greenleaf where the pedestrian was struck by a distracted driver using a cellphone.
What can you do to prevent a crash?
Wear clothes that are bright and visible and, if riding, make sure your bike is in proper working order and has lights;
Take a safety class on how to bike safely;
Don’t drive distracted–avoid talking on your cellphone, eating, or driving while tired;
As a pedestrian, only cross at marked intersections;
Cyclists and pedestrians, watch especially for cars around school properties, where there is heavy congestion at school dropoff and pickup. Drivers, slow down and look carefully in these areas.
Click to see all our safety information here.
The information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and Walk-Bike Cupertino and does not reflect the opinions of any other organization or entity. For more information, contact WBC at