Your weekly source of biking tips and encouragement. “When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.” -Arthur Conan Doyle This felt like an appropriate quote for this space and time. If you’re like us, you might be starting to feel a little edgy and irritable. It’s appropriate to have a range of emotions – each one of us is going through our own experiences and living with many unknowns. Arthur Conan Doyle was right a hundred years ago, and today, the recipe is the same – mount a bicycle and empty your head of thought. Focus on the road and the ride and be at peace. And, while you’re enjoying your ride and airing your head, please don’t forget to stay safe and vigilant. While ‘quarantine fatigue’ may be setting in, it’s critical to do all you can to maintain the safety of yourself and those around you. SVBC has been fielding a number of questions and concerns about bike riding during this time. We’ve put together a couple FAQs to help with current restrictions, recommendations and reminders. I’ve been seeing groups of cyclists riding together. Is this allowed?This is only allowed if you are with members of your own household. Please do not ride in social groups or with members outside of your household. This is not allowed and does not comply with social distancing requirements. We’re not only concerned about your health and well-being and that of others, but about losing our privilege to ride for recreation. We know this is hard, we’re social creatures. But remember, it’s not forever. Do I need to wear a mask while I’m biking? Wearing a Face Covering is recommended but not required while engaged in outdoor recreation like biking. Because bicycling causes people to more forcefully expel airborne particles, making the usual minimum 6 feet distance less adequate, people running and biking must take steps to avoid exposing others to those particles. Having a Face Covering in a readily accessible location, such as around the person’s neck or in a pocket, is highly recommended. And please, give as much room to fellow riders when passing as is safely possible. Where can I bike in San Mateo County? Currently, residents of San Mateo County can bike within 5 miles of their residence and social distancing requirements must be followed. Again, we know this is difficult but we must respect public health advisories. Lastly, please ride safely and follow the law. We’ve heard from a number of folks and have seen for ourselves reckless riding, i.e. blowing through stop signs and lights and posing other safety risks. This should go without saying but don’t jeopardize your health, or the health of those around you – not during a pandemic, not ever. Thank you! For more information about Shelter In Place restrictions and recommendations: San Mateo County Santa Clara County Please share this email: Share this email widely within your networks. In the absence of being able to physically support folks through social rides and workshops, we’re doing our best to reach out remotely. If you are able to support the work we’re doing, you can make a donation here. Every dollar improves local bicycle road facilities, trails, laws, education, and more. Enjoy the wind on your face and don’t forget to give plenty of space! |
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