A message from Cupertino Rotarian April Bignell:

It’s amazing what volunteering can lead to – The steps to getting these bikes were:
- Gayle and her students have been volunteering for years at JW House in the dinner program.
- I started volunteering in Gayle’s classroom to “do” science with the students.
- I chaperoned a trip to SF with Gayle and the students in 2013 – the bike idea was “born” on the train to SF.
- Joanne Mansch volunteered with a different group (not Rotary) to cook a dinner.
- The next time she volunteered, she invited JW House to apply for the Golf Tournament grant.
- I enjoyed that experience so much that I joined Rotary, joined the Community Service Committee and crafted the proposal for the bikes.
Voila! Here we are! And now the bikes will serve the next Golf Tournament recipient! I’m looking forward to deepening Rotary’s connection with the FUHSD Educational Options program. Our members have so much to offer!
It is so cool that that this year’s Rotary Golf Tournament recipient is one of their community service sites! . Hopefully, Gayle and the kids could ride over as well – get a little PE in that day!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I hope you have nice weather for your ride!
April Bignell