Per David Stillman, Senior Civil Engineer: “We are on track for Council adoption of the Alta plan in June. Two successful public workshops and Bike/Ped Committee meetings completed to date; I will be taking the prioritization list to the BPC in April (may be held 27th instead of 20th…stay tuned). After that, it’s in the hands of the environmental consultant for a while. There will be a 20-day public comment period for the environmental document sometime next month.”
Walk-Bike Cupertino commentary: Key in this process are significant budget $$’s being allocated for a meaningful and aggressive plan to “catch up” and make Cupertino safe for all citizens to bike to their destinations – whether school, relaxation, shopping or work.
Walk-Bike Cupertino urges the City to set aside $10M of its surplus for the implementation of the Alta plan and to make the long term structural changes to the city that will make it safe and easy to cycle in Cupertino.

We urge you to write your council and Senior city staff urging aggressive funding.
FMI: Contact David Stillman at the City of Cupertino: