Walk-Bike News
Get to School Safely and Actively
It’s August and families are getting back to school! As you buy backpacks and school supplies for your kids, I hope you and your family will also consider HOW your student will get to and from school this year. If you live close enough, walking or bicycling are fun...
Vision Zero Plan and Lawson Bikeway Approved
In surprising unanimous votes, the Cupertino Vision Zero Plan (VZ) and the Lawson Middle School Protected Bikeway were approved by the City Council on July 9, 2024. Both of these projects will significantly improve safety for all residents in the city.Thank you to all...
Cupertino’s New Housing Element Improves the City Bike Ped Policies
On May 14, 2024, the City Council approved the city’s Housing Element for 2023-2031. This is an important document which outlines the city’s commitment to support building a minimum of 4,588 new homes over the next seven years. In that same meeting, the City Council...
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Cool new scooters and e-bikes for everyone
There's plenty of scootesr and e-bikes out there, but sometimes a standard one isn't what you are looking for. If you have specific criteria in your micromobility, or just want the latest thing, check out these scooters and bikes below. Update 3/10/23: A newsletter...
California Passed 15 Active Transportation Bills Last Year
The California legislature leaned hard in 2022 into making our state a more cyclist and pedestrian friendly state, though missed some opportunities that we hope will come back again. Below are some of the more noteworthy state transportation bills passed and missed in...
Update: No creek crossing on Stevens Creek Trail unimproved extension
A few weeks ago, we shared that there was a new pathway continuing the Stevens Creek Trail (SCT) across Stevens Creek Boulevard to Varian Park. Unfortunately, we "jumped the gun" a bit with our news. That pathway requires crossing Stevens Creek (the creek itself), but...