Walk-Bike News
Special Bike Camp Opportunity for Middle Schoolers
The City of Cupertino through Safe Routes to School is offering a Middle School Bike Skills Summer Workshop to prepare rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders for biking to middle school and beyond. Students will learn how to be confident riders by learning the rules of the...
VTA funds Homestead ‘Safe Routes’
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) board of directors recently approved funding for the Homestead Safe Routes to School project. The funding will advance planned pedestrian and bicycle improvements on Homestead Road in Cupertino, Sunnyvale and Los...
Council approves 2020-21 Capital Budget including Regnart Creek Trail
At the City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 16th, the Council discussed and unanimously approved the CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) Budget for 2020-21, which includes all walking and biking projects for the City of Cupertino. Though the City of Cupertino's income has...
Related News
Stevens Creek Trail Detour and Habitat Restoration
Hi everyone – two important Trail news items to report: the good Trail Detour is back, and Habitat Restoration work can use some help. The Hotel Bypass Trail between El Camino Real and the Yuba Drive trailhead has reopened, effective November 13, 2017. This eliminates...
The lane less traveled
BY ZAZU LIPPERT AND ANDREA PERNG ON SEPTEMBER 13, 2017BEST OF NEWS, LOCAL, PRINT NEWS Every weekday morning at 7:30 a.m., senior Justin Lin rolls into school, adding his bike to the crowded racks by the side of the A building. This is the home of MVHS’ prolific...
Adult Biking Skills Workshop at Stanford
As the City of Cupertino plans to make biking safer and more accessible, some adult residents would like to have help preparing for commuting or running errands. Here's a great way to improve bicycling handling skills and confidence. Stanford School of Medicine and...