Walk-Bike News

Bike for Boba Day a Big Hit

Bike for Boba Day a Big Hit

Nearly 200 Monta Vista High School (MVHS) students rode their bikes and scooters to classes on Friday, Sept 24th, on the school's first Bike for Boba (B4B) Day. Reducing the school’s carbon footprint and traffic congestion around the school campus; the ridership was...

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Fun times at the 2021 Cupertino Bike Fest!

Fun times at the 2021 Cupertino Bike Fest!

The 8th Annual Bike Fest Was Fun for All!Fall Bike Fest in Cupertino was again a well-attended event and fun time for all! After its cancellation last year due to the pandemic, it was great to get together again, enjoy a great family bike ride and games, ride the...

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How Bike Lanes Benefit Businesses

How Bike Lanes Benefit Businesses

June 4, 2018 Strong Towns by Rachel Quednau Kenmore Boulevard in Akron, Ohio is in the process of a street redesign which may involve the loss of some on-street parking spots in order to create protected bike lanes. This sort of transition is happening all...

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