Walk-Bike News
Make your voice heard on Cupertino’s plans for 2022 & 2023
Fill out this two-question city survey to make biking and walking one of the priorities for Cupertino. Cupertino City Council will use the survey to prioritize their Work Program for 2022-23. The Work Program is everything the Council asks the city staff to work on...
Help Cupertino create a Local Road Safety Plan
Your input is needed! Have you had an accident or near miss? Do you know of an area where cars make it dangerous to walk or bike? You can make a difference in whether Cupertino addresses these issues, through the public input on the Local Road Safety Plan that the...
Via Cupertino Has Relaunched!
Via Cupertino, which relaunched in October 2021, is an on-demand community shuttle that goes everywhere in Cupertino. It works like a minibus that comes when you want it and where you want it. It also connects to some destinations just outside of Cupertino, like the...
Related News
Costa Mesa City Council approves outreach and design contract for proposed bike trail
Costa Mesa City Council approves outreach and design contract for proposed bike trail, over some resident objections By HILLARY DAVISJUNE 6, 2019 1:05 PM A split Costa Mesa City Council moved ahead with a potential new multipurpose trail along the Paularino...
ACTC Event News
Well the summer is almost gone already, and what do we have to show for it, dear readers? Russ & Sheila Stevens, fresh from their ice cream social last month, kick off our newsletter with a blurb for their "Bay In 2 Days" tour in late October....
Study finds that e-bike riders get as much exercise as riders of regular bikes
Lloyd AlterlloydalterAugust 9, 2019 © Surly/ who says you can't go shopping with a bike? E-bikers use their bikes more, go longer distances, and often substitute it for driving or transit. Fans of electric bikes often say they are riding further than they used to on...