Walk-Bike News
How WBC is measuring ridership at high schools
Do you ever wonder if the congestion around your local school can be reduced? One way this might be accomplished is if more students walk or bike to school! Walk-Bike Cupertino is working with the Cupertino Safe Routes to School organization at all the High Schools...
Say no to closing access to Regnart Trail at Lozano
The City Council is considering closing off an entrance to the Regnart Trail before it's even open. They need to hear that it's not acceptable.There has been an existing trail alongside Lozano Lane since those homes were built in the early 2000's. Now, the City...
Youth Environmental Power Initiative’s 2022 Climate Projects
With the global pandemic, time seems to be flying by faster than ever. Most schools have returned to in-person learning and many organizations and programs have hit the ground running in response to the re-opening of public areas. Youth Environmental Power Initiative...
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Viva Calle SJ This Sunday
Viva CalleSJ is on Sunday!Come enjoy open streets on your bicycle this Sunday for a free day of fun! On September 22, the City of San Jose will open six miles of road to people on bikes, skateboards, scooters, and their feet! It's a great chance to check out local...
Cycle Like a Dutchman
How I Learned to Cycle Like a Dutchman Dan KoisSeptember 13, 2019 In the bike-friendly Netherlands, cyclists speed down the road without fearing cars. For an American, the prospect is thrilling—and terrifying. The eighteen million residents of Holland own, in total,...
Cycling can make your bones brittle; here’s what to do about it
Cycling can make your bones brittle; here's what to do about it by Mat Brett May 31 2019 42CommentsFind out how to keep your bones strong and healthy "Go running over cycling to avoid brittle bones, men told" announced a headline...