Walk-Bike News
Grants and Contract Narrowly Approved for Next Phase of Stevens Creek Protected Lanes
In a contentious 3-2 vote on February 4, 2025, the Cupertino City Council approved the construction of the next phase (2A) of the Class IV protected bike lanes on Stevens Creek Boulevard, along with accepting grants to pay for it. Phase 1, completed in 2018, added...
DeAnza buffered bike lanes: fears of congestion prove false
New buffers were added to the standard bike lanes on DeAnza Boulevard in December 2024. Prior to this decision, there was great concern expressed by biking and bike lane opponents that this change would negatively affect car travel times along DeAnza in Cupertino....
Mixed Results for High School Students’ Active Commutes
Both the City of Cupertino Safe Routes to School (SR2S) and Walk Bike Cupertino track active transportation for public school students in Cupertino. SR2S polls students in all grades by having teachers report out how many students self-reported that they walked or...
Related News
No to Illegal Motorcycles, Yes to E-Bikes
California’s most prominent biking organizations, Walk Bike Cupertino included, have recently signed a letter calling on lawmakers to crack down on high speed electric motorcycles masquerading as e-bikes. They are urging state legislatures to curb dangerous...
All Seasons Hiking Group: Exercise, Connect & Recharge
Do you love Mondays? We do. After a whole weekend of being busy with families, what could be better than hiking in nature and catching up with friends in fresh mountain air on a Monday? It’s a great way to kick off a new week, being actively recharged through...
Car-Free Sunday Bike Riding on Cañada Road
Living in Santa Clara County, you may not be aware that a nearly 4-mile-long section of Cañada Road in unincorporated San Mateo County is closed to vehicle traffic every Sunday from 9AM to 3PM. The closure begins right after the public entry road to Filoli Estates...