by Sharlene Liu | Feb 26, 2025
One cold night in January, I found myself on Homestead Road measuring lane widths as cars sped past me. Kevin Jackson, who was helping me, called out whenever a car was approaching so that I could run to safety at the side of the road. I was trying to get a reading...
by Hervé Marcy | Jan 7, 2025
Walk Bike Cupertino (WBC) recently celebrated its 10 years of existence. Such an anniversary is an opportunity to look at the projects, both completed and those to come, that make Cupertino a safer and more convenient place for pedestrians and cyclists. The WBC board...
by Ishan Khosla | Nov 20, 2024
Cupertino’s Linda Vista Park recently held a spooktacular gathering for little and delicate dogs during their DOLA (Dog Off-Leash Area) hours. After Cupertino’s DOLA campaign began in 2017, Linda Vista Park’s Dog Off-Leash Area was established as one of the two DOLAs...
by Jennifer Shearin | Aug 20, 2024
After many applications and interviews, we are pleased to welcome Ishan Khosla and Samil Lindskog to our Walk Bike Cupertino team! Both of our new Youth board members are students at Cupertino High School, joining our two returning Youth Board Members Aaryan Doshi and...
by Aaryan Doshi | Aug 20, 2024
In this article we feature Ishan Khosla and Armaan Sharma, the founders of The BayBikeBros: a youth-run bike business in Cupertino. What started off as a small idea transformed into a blossoming reality in their own backyards. The Inspiration For Ishan and Armaan, the...
by Seema Lindskog | Jul 12, 2024
In the mid 1970s, the oil embargo made the price of gas soar and gas rationing went into effect. Long lines of cars at the gas station became a common sight. As the average fuel economy of cars at the time was only 11.9 mpg, states started encouraging right turn on...