California’s most prominent biking organizations, Walk Bike Cupertino included, have recently signed a letter calling on lawmakers to crack down on high speed electric motorcycles masquerading as e-bikes. They are urging state legislatures to curb dangerous e–motorcycles while standing up for the rights of e-bikers.
What’s an e-bike and what’s not
It is important to note that not every bike with a motor is an e-bike! California divides e-bikes into three general classes. The table below illustrates a classification of different types of e-bikes and their specific requirements.
These e-bikes clearly differ from mopeds or motorcycles. Per California law, mopeds or motorcycles are two or three-wheeled vehicles that exceed 28 mph regardless of whether they have working pedals. They also require a motorcycle license, special license plates, and the rider to be over 16.

The Real Problem: Illegal Electric Motorcycles
Unfortunately, some errant or unscrupulous companies are marketing their mopeds or motorcycles as as e-bikes, though they do not meet the criteria for e-bikes and should not use road infrastructure designed for bikes.
Parents then buy them for their children or adults will buy them, not knowing that it is illegal to ride without having a motorcycle license.
The electric motorcycles are often mistaken for e-bikes, which unlike the electric motorcycles are set at a reasonable and safe maximum speed. Some of these electric motorcycles and scooters are even ridden at high speeds on sidewalks, furthering the danger.
This has led to cities pursuing restrictive e-bike laws that punish safe and legal bike riders due to the actions of riders of these high powered motorcycles or scooters.

Left: A common, safe e-bike by Rad Power, with a maximum speed of 20 mph
Right: An electric motorcycle from Voro Motors, which can go up to 35 mph. Voro Motors sells an e-scooter that can reach 80 mph (!)

California Bicycle Coalition recently put together a letter articulating for stronger control for illegal e-motorcycles
SB 1271 Makes the Distinction
In order to address these concerns, SB 1271 was proposed to update the definitions of e-bikes in California law to make the distinction between bikes and motorcycles clearer. The goal is to ban throttles and create enhanced safety testing, so that genuine e-bikers can continue to bike.
All of these locations would benefit from blinking lights. This allows e-bikes to continue being used by everyone for recreation, commuting, and running errands while eliminating the danger to pedestrians from speeding electric motorcycles or scooters.
Key Points from the Letter
Walk Bike Cupertino has signed the Cal Bike Letter which includes the following key points:
1) Focus on Illegal Electric Motorcycles. Don’t prevent honest, authentic biking from true e-bikers out there!
2) Help Develop More Modern Safety Infrastructure. This could be anything from bike lanes, bollards, or blinking lights on road
3) Integrate Biking Education into Elementary Schools. By teaching kids at a young age, what is and isn’t an appropriate form of transportation, we can help curb illegal e-motorcycle use
Riding a bike or an e-bike shouldn’t feel like a crime (because it isn’t!). We need to make sure that we prioritize genuine bikers over the illegal e-motorcyclists who are increasingly making our city streets and sidewalks unsafe. We can do that by enacting sensible legislation that keeps bikes in the bike lanes, and motorcycles on the road with licensed drivers.