YOU can make the difference in whether this bikeway is approved. Thank you for taking the time to write a letter!

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Don’t forget to:

  • Personalize the letter in your own words
  • Sign your letter
  • Add personal details. This makes a much bigger impact!

Click here for sample talking points for a fully personalized letter of your own.

Click picture above for an informational flyer.

Details on the Project

  • The on-street bikeway is a low cost ($115K) option that is fully funded through an Apple Grant and requires no additional funding from the City of Cupertino.
  • It will provide a significant safety improvement for cyclists and for pedestrians walking to Lawson as well as make it easier for parents driving their kids to school.
  • Unlike another plan discussed (a multi-use sidewalk), it does not require removal of any mature trees or landscaping at the school, nor moving significant CUSD utilities. The multi-use path would cost $1.5 million dollars, which the city does not have even close to enough money to cover. With the budget crisis, it is unlikely it would ever get built.
  • The lanes do require removal of the school-side only parking spaces along Vista Drive, and a handful on Forest on the school side only. Per city parking studies, there are still plenty of parking spaces available for the regular demand of teachers and community members. For special events and sporting events, additional parking will be available at the south lot adjacent to the Lawson track and at the regular Lawson lot on the north side.
  • Significant public outreach has occurred prior to this vote, including several public meetings in person and on Zoom (with personal notices mailed to the local neighbors to notify them of these meetings), plus the public Bicycle Pedestrian Commission meeting.
  • 60% -90% of participants in the public outreach preferred the option of protected on-street bike lanes, and the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission also recommended these protected lanes.
  • This solution follows many city plans, including the Cupertino General Plan, Climate Action Plan, and Transportation Plans to encourage alternative transportation in the city by making it more attractive to use.
  • Healthy habits are made in childhood. Biking or walking to school is a good way to easily get used to getting exercise everyday. Studies also show that students who get to school actively demonstrate better concentration at school, leading to better school outcomes.